To overcoming social anxiety is not that big problem that many people find it difficult to deal with or think it’s difficult to free themselves of it, to completely overcome that social anxiety and to become more and more social. And here are some tips to help overcoming social anxiety :
What causes social anxiety? Part2
As we’ve seen in the previous article, some of what causes social anxiety were discounting oneself and lack of self approval. Today we’re going to talk about the other two crucial things that cause you social anxiety :
N°3 Lack of confidence: one of the definitions of confidence is doing what you fear, but the problem with you as well as others is that I know that you know how to overcome social anxiety but for some reason you don’t do anything about it. You come up with many excuses why not to do it, and the main reason behind all these excuses is FEAR. Fear of facing your fear of being around people, fear of being in social gatherings.
N°3 Lack of confidence: one of the definitions of confidence is doing what you fear, but the problem with you as well as others is that I know that you know how to overcome social anxiety but for some reason you don’t do anything about it. You come up with many excuses why not to do it, and the main reason behind all these excuses is FEAR. Fear of facing your fear of being around people, fear of being in social gatherings.
You don’t have the courage to take that leap to go out and find out, you rather prefer to come up with excuses not to do it than to feel the fear and do it anyway. And remember, if you look for reasons not to do it, you’ll find them. But if you want to change who you are for the better, you can. And this is important “ You can make excuses, millions of excuses, or you can simply overcoming social anxiety but you cannot do them both.“
N°4 The comfort zone: The comfort zone is the zone of comfort and relaxation. It is your zone where you feel at ease because it is pain free. It is free from trouble and from pain, and there are two main forces that drive people, and these forces are Happiness and Pain. People tend to do things that make them feel happy and try to avoide the painful situations that they have to breakthrough, and that’s your problem as well.
You want to overcoming social anxiety but at the same time you want to avoide the pain that your attempt may generate, and that’s what Paulo Coelho says “ People want to change everything and, at the same time, want it all to remain the same.“ We want to change everything and we want to stay in our comfort zone as well. And remember, you can get out of your comfort zone and overcome social anxiety, or you can sit in your comfort zone and do nothing, but you cannot do them both.
You want to overcoming social anxiety but at the same time you want to avoide the pain that your attempt may generate, and that’s what Paulo Coelho says “ People want to change everything and, at the same time, want it all to remain the same.“ We want to change everything and we want to stay in our comfort zone as well. And remember, you can get out of your comfort zone and overcome social anxiety, or you can sit in your comfort zone and do nothing, but you cannot do them both.
Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you penning this post. My sister was suffering from anxiety after her divorce. I am looking for some good social anxiety treatment, suggest me some good therapies that I’ll suggest to her… Waiting for sincere advice!!!