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Monday, May 5, 2014

How To Overcome Social Anxiety. Part3

Overcoming social anxiety is not that big problem that many people find it difficult to deal with or think it’s difficult to free themselves of it, to completely overcome that social anxiety and to become more and more social. And here are some tips to help overcoming social anxiety :

What is social anxiety ?

as we've seen in previous articles the causes of social anxiety  the causes that leads to social anxiety the causes that lead to social anxiety . Here are the last two things that may cause to suffer from social anxiey. and in the next articles we're going to talk about some practical solutions to help you overcoming social anxiety.

N°5 You’re not perfect : Are you perfect? blindly I can say "no", you aren’t. And  one of the most important things that you have to know is that neither you nor me are perfect.

We’re not Perfect and we were created to make mistakes, and being imperfect is one of the greatest gifts that we have. We can make mistakes and instead of blaming ourselves or feeling embarrassed, we can simply say IAM NOT PERFECT, Iam not an angel. That’s it, it’s that easy but the problem is that we’re in a society that magnifies the trivial mistakes that we make.

We feel ashamed just because we spilled some milk on the floor, and our parents instead of saying it’s ok and taking a towel and clean the floor they start their blaming, insulting and complaining speech over us. And what we do in order to avoide that pain, we go to our room and close on ourselves. And at the age of 4-7 years we begin to enjoy our solitude, our loneliness, since it is pain free. This little problem leads us to becoming introverted, this problem evolves and becomes what’s called social anxiety.

So whenever we encouter any tiny problem outside, and because we didn’t learn to face our problems at a young age,we run away home, go upstairs to our room, our safe castle and begin to spend hours and hours there afraid to go out. So please make mistakes, it’s your right. You are not perfect and you’ll never be perfect. And if you don’t make mistakes know that you didn’t try anything new that would help revolutionize your life, or simply help you at least overcome social anxiety and become the person you want to be.

N°6 : Lack of courage: many people know what to do to overcoming social anxiety, they know how to do it and they know the outcome they’re going to get, which they wish for, if they do it. But for some reason they don’t do it. Have you ever asked yourself that? Have you ever asked yourself why Iam doing nothing to deal with this problem? Why I let it take me over? The answer to these questions, and many others, is that you don’t have the courage to stand up for yourself and deal with your real issues.

You’re not courageous, you don’t have the guts to face your problems, you prefer to avoide them or put them aside. But the good news is that you can develop courage and become as bold as a lion. You can become courageous through doing many things such as listening to positive messages and motivational videos, listen to them again and again and again. Read some self help books, because information changes situations. And remember that you can become as bold as a lion, if you stop discounting yourself.     


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