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Monday, May 19, 2014

How to deal with anxiety. Part1

Concerning how to deal with anxiety no matter what it is, and as we said that in previous articles, we need first to look at it as a puzzle. I mean that there is no one way or one solution on how to overcome social anxiety or any other anxiety but there are plenty of solutions for that.

Most people who have anxiety, of any type, are obssessively thinking about how to overcome anxiety, and they also have a great deal of information and ideas about how to overcome social anxiety. The good news is that they know how to overcome anxiety as well as you do.

I want to tell you that I don’t care how much you know, I am sorry, but I care more about what you DO with what you know. Because knowledge is not power, it’s rather APPLYING knowledge, that’s what I call POWER.

As I told you earlier that dealing with anxiety is a puzzle that you have to complete it yourself, and today I am going to share with you what I call the 3 steps system for how to deal with anxiety. This  system will help you save more time than before if you do the exercises I am about to share with you.


Do you know that we, humans, have the ability to decieve our minds. In other words, we can talk to ourselves in the way we want so as to achieve something we want.
In this first step I want you to take from ten to fifteen minutes to imagine yourself in a situation that drives you anxious. I want you to examine how you feel at that moment,  and I want you to see how you move your body at that moment as well.

Now I want you to ask yourself this question. How do I want to be when I am with people ? Do I want to be anxious or to be in a position of power, enthusiasm and confidence ?

Ok, if your answer is YES, I want to become confident. Then your exercise is the following.

  I want you to go back to your imagination, your movie, and make the changes you want to have whenever you are around people or in any situation that looks like the one you had in your mind. And it’s going to take you less than ten minutes. It’s not going to take you the whole day to do it. If you CHOSE to do it, it will work for you.

in the next article I will give the other two steps. they are as easy as this one.


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