All what I am about to share with you you in this article revolves around one core idea that says YOU ARE NOT SHY.
As we said before that you are the imagination of yourself, all what you have and all what you are is the imagination you imagined yourself some day.
Now, concerning how to overcome shyness you have to keep in mind that no one was born shy, neither me nor you. It’s a trait that we aquired under certain sircumstances that occured in our lives that lead us to begin to hide from other people, because as kids we thought that this is the good way to deal with that situation.
Now the question we should ask ourselves is why peole say that we’re good kids when we don’t disturb them, because or even if we’re shy ? And why, when we express ourselves freely and do what we want, people say that we should be ashamed of what we did ? Why ?
Have you ever done something and heard something like “ why did you do that ! Shameless. If yes, I want to tell you that you are not the only one who has experienced such situation as this. So here I am going to share with you the three steps system of how to overcome shyness.
Step 1: Know your WHY.
In this first step I want you to take a piece of paper and write the following questions, then try to answer them, ok.
So the questions are : why you are shy ? what makes you feel intimidated whenever you are around people ? why you are always trying to hide from people ? why you try to avoide eye contact with others at work, in the street or wherever you are ?
I want you to write all the reasons that come up in your mind when you ask yourself these questions. All the reasons, no matter how trivial, meaningless or stupid they are. Just write them down. Be honest with yourself as Paulo Coelho says "if you want to be successful respect one rule never lie to yourself".
Now after that that you have your list of reasons, I want you to think about them. Are they real reasons or they are just a bunch of excuses and alibis that you use to lie to yourself.
When you do this little exercise you’ll become more aware of what couses your emotional brain to trigger the emotions that make you feel shy.
Step 2: Develop a bigger WHY.
In this second step I want you to write a list of at least ten reasons WHY it is time to change and not be shy anymore. These reasons are going to be your bigger WHY you have to overcome shyness, these reasons are going to be your fuel.
You have to focus on these reasons and you have to remind yourself of them over a periode of time so that you can override your old counter-productives reasons that make you feel shy.
I recommend you to have that list as soon as possible you can. Have it and work on it to make it so big and so compelling.
Step 3 : Take ACTION.
I know that you are already taking action but I believe that all what you do is based on your WHY. There is a reason behind everthing you do. Now if your actions are based on your older WHY, you are likely to behave the same way you did in the previous years, BUT if your new reasons began to override the oldest ones and to take their places, believe me, your behavior will begin to change as well.
One of the most amazing and mirculous states we can be in or experience is the state of awareness. So when you become aware of what’s going on in your head you’ll say“ ah ! this is one of the old reasons I used to believe about the old me, and I should change IMMEDIATELY, and at that moment the shif in your behavior will begin to atke place.So your action is either based on your old WHY or your new compelling WHY. The choice is yours.
Here are some facts that will give you a clear idea about what I shared with you.
Thomas Alva Edison invented the the electric light bulb because he had a big WHY, and I think you know his story.
Apple is the world's second-largest information technology company. Why? Because they have a big WHY, as well, that keeps them creating new technology.
You too you have to have a big compelling WHY to overcome your shyness.
Yes, you CAN.
Read also How to overcome social anxiety
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