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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Overcoming Social Anxiety. Part 7

As we said that overcoming social anxiety begins with a good inner conversation with ourselves about ourselves. Because what makes people unable to overcome social anxiety or anything in their lives is the negative conversation running in their heads. 

      Today  we’re going to move deeper concerning the inner conversation. We’re going to talk about creating a constructive story about yourself, a story that will help you break through almost any obstacle in your life. So today’s idea is :

N°7 If you change your story, you change your life.

 Each one of us has a story that he created about himself, a story that he believes it reflects, what he thought, his reality. We created this story when we were young when people talk down to us and we believed that what they told us is true, so we based our story upon what they told us because at some level we thought it’s who we are.

  We believed that our story represents who we are because we’ve heard the same insults so and the same comparisons with others, who are better than us, many times untill those words became ingraved in our minds so we couldn’t replace them with positive ideas that would build us up.

 Now the question is how to create a new story about who we truely are and what we’re capable of doing.

   The answer is simply to take a paper and sit down to write the new story about what you think you really are.

Your story can be simply a colection of incantations or positive ideas that you start to tell yourself. And to help override your old useless story you can simply use REPETITION.

 Repetition makes perfect.

If you want to override your old story you need to repeat the new one many times a day for at least thirty days. It is a bit difficult but this is the rule of the game and you have to be aware of that when you repeat your new story to yourself. Do it for thirty days at least, then miracles will begin to show up in your life.

You have to tell yourself that I am repeating this story to myself because I want to change the old counterproductive one, and I have to do it if I want that change to happen.

I know that it’s hard to change and the begining is the hardest part in any new thing you want to do. And remember nothing comes for free.


Concerning overcoming social anxiety you
only need to create a new practical story and to repeat it to yourself many times during the next thirty days, day after day, that’s how you are going to install your new story in your mind.

Your story should be something like this “I know how to overcome social anxiety, I am an overcomer. And  there is nothing that can hold me back from overcoming social anxiety. I am powerful and Iam going to make it“

      But if you have a story like this one on the picture bellow you'd better change it. Becouse if you keep it in your mind it will ruin your entier life.

         Remember :If you change your story, you change your life.     


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