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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Overcoming Social Anxiety. Part 2

overcoming  social anxiety  is one of the greatest issues that people are suffering from nowadays, and there are plenty of solutions that are meant to be the key solutions for overcoming social anxiety.

 As I told you before that no idea works untill you put it into action. Yes, no idea works untill you put it into action, and Iam sorry but I think that you are likely not going to do anything from what we said and from what we are going to say concerning overcoming social anxiety. You know why ? because you are afraid of pain, you think that you can’t handle the pain of overcoming social anxiety, I mean you are still discounting yourself. But I’ll tell you one thing. Pain is a crucial part of the game. So we’re going to talk about the second idea on how to overcome social anxiety which says :

N°2 If there is no PAIN there is no GAIN.

   You have to suffer the pain, you have to experience its pressure over you  and even follow through IF you want to make any change. And if you want to know how to overcome  social anxiety or how social people have become that social you have to experience the pain of overcoming social anxiety. I didn’t say you should experience the pain but I said you HAVE TO experience that pain IF you want to become the person of your dreams. But if you are not willing to take the risk, to change who you are,  you can simply crawl back in your hole and watch those who are willing to take the risk changing their lives and becoming who they really want to be. 

   Overcoming social anxiety is a painful process, however being socially anxious for the rest of your life or for any extended periode of time is one of the most painful states a person may live with during their lives, and the more you try to AVOIDE the pain of overcoming social anxiety, believe me, the WORSE it will get. 

    So what are you going to chose ? Are you going to chose to experience the pain no matter how bad it is and suffer for a week, a month or even a year and then we anounce you the winner, or you rather chose to avoide it and live with the fear of being around people and suffer the pain of social anxiety for the rest of your life. You know why the choice is yours? Because your life is  the result of YOUR choices.

    You know what is great about pain is that it is temporary, pain is not eternal, it may last for a certain periode of time no matter how long it is, and it will disappear IF you do it and experience that pain. But if you quit your pain will last forever.

     I want you to make sure that the pain of social anxiety will never go away by itself  IF you don’t do any thing to overcome it. I want just to remind you that all what you are going to do about overcoming social anxiety is going to be painful, just keep that in mind whenever you make or try to make any attempt to overcome social anxiety.

 So be willing to risk as Less Brown says“ If you’re not willing to risk, you cannot grow. If you cannot grow, you cannot be your best. If you cannot be your best, you cannot be happy. If you cannot be happy, what else is there?  Yes, Less. What else is there?


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