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Overcoming Social Anxiety

Overcoming social anxiety or how to overcome social anxiety is one of the greatest issues that people are suffering from nowadays, eventhough there are plenty of solutions that are meant to be the key solutions for overcoming social anxiety.

How To Overcome Social Anxiety. PART1

Overcoming social anxiety is not that big problem that many people find it difficult to deal with or think it’s difficult to free themselves of it, and to completely overcome that social anxiety and to become more and more social. And here are some tips to help overcoming social anxiety:

What Is Anxiety?

If you start searching for a good or accurate definitions of anxiety I think you will get lost, because almost all the definitions you may find in the internet revolve around the idea of social anxiety and here are some examples of what is anxiety that I grabed from the internet.

How to overcome shyness?

All what I am about to share with you you in this article revolves around one core idea that says YOU ARE NOT SHY.

Anxiety Attack Treatment

Again talking about our main challenge which is how to deal with anxiety, and today we’re going to move a little deeper and we’re going to talk about the anxiety attack treatment and we’re mainly going to focus on how to treat anxiety attacks whenever they pop up in our lives.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

natural anxiety relief

Today in this article I am going to share with you some tips about natural anxiety relief, but before we start let me remind you of the idea that no idea works untill you do it. nothing works untill you have the guts to do it.

So this article is going to be an extention of the foregoing idea that implies that ideation without execution is nothing more than delusion.

Today I am going to share with a little tactic that will help you relief your self from your anxiety. But let me remind you that whatever change you want to make in your life you need two things :

N°1 you should have your mighty WHY.

N°2 you have to take massive action.

So if your going to abide by these two rules you can carry on reading, but if you are not willing to make some effort to make the change you want a reality, what you are about to read here will be of no use.

For any new change to become a natural or an automatic routine, it should be practiced for at least thirty days, day in and day out. So for whatever change you want to make in your life do it every single day for thirty days.

So if found your why, why you want to cure yourself from your anxiety ? It’s  may be because you want to to become more open to poeple around you, to become more social or not to feel shy to talk to someone you feel attracted to. If it’s this your why or whatever it is, the next question is ask yourself what is it that I can do to overcome this anxiety that’s blocking me from living my full potential and do my best concerning my social life ?

And once you know what action is necessary and suitable for you, make it a routine because THE MIND IS A CREATURE OF HABIT. Remember that.

How to make your new action step a routine ? Ok, for whatever routine you want to have in your life you need, as we said before, to do it for thirty days.

Why thirty days exactly ? to wire in any new routine instead of  the other one that you are already doing, you have to override the old routine, habit or fear that’s blocking you by defying its gravity.

Whenver you want to apply your new routine or your new action step and you find it difficult or you feel like you can’t do it remember that it’s your old habits gravity which is dragging you down. Don’t listen to your emotions and keep doing what you know will transform your life. As the following qoute says “ life is a fight for territory, if you stop fighting for what you want, what you don’t want will automatically take over.“

So fight your fight, for nothing comes for free, challenge yourself and do what you believe will help you deal with your anxiety altogether even if your feelings are telling what you are doing is completely wrong.

Don’t listen to your emotions, really don’t, because if you listen to your emotions you will remain the SAME as you are now.

Through doing what you know will take you to next version of you for thirty day, you wire in your subconscious mind the new habit of fearlessness to talk to strangers and to simply do what you want.

To make my ideas make sense for you I recommend you to watch this vedio :

the mind set is everything, the mindset of fearlessness is a habit that you can wire in your subconscious mind. 

mindset is everything, repeat that for yourself with conviction. So set your mind to doing the things that frightens you.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

What Is Anxiety

What is anxiety?

If you start searching for a good or accurate definitions of anxiety I think you will get lost, because almost all the definitions you may find in the internet revolve around the idea of social anxiety and here are some examples of what is anxiety that I grabed from the internet :

  Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. These disorders affect how we feel and behave, and they can manifest real physical symptoms.

Anxiety affects our whole being. It affects how we feel, how we behave and has very real physical symptoms. It feels a bit like fear but whereas we know what we are frightened of, we often don't know what we are anxious about.

Anxiety is an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behavior, such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints and rumination.

As you see here that all these definitions do not provide you with a clear idea of what anxiety
is .

Now, before I give you my little definition of anxiety, I want to ask you some questions that if you answer them, my little deffinition will become easier for you to understand and grasp, ok.

Question n°1 : when do you feel anxiety,when you are alone or when you are with other people ?

Question n°2 : why anxiety goes away whenever you are alone ? Why it comes back when you are around paople?

So the idea of anxiety, or whenever we talk about what causes anxiety we mainly talk about CONNECTION with other people, it’s connection why we’re here, it’s what’s gives purpose and meaning to ourlives, that’s what is all about. So my little definition of anxiety is :

Anxiety  is the feeling caused by lack of worthiness that a person might have, it is the lack of having a strong sens of love and belonging. It is the feeling of wether you are good enough or not.

The difference between anxious people and people who are NOT anxious is that people who are not anxious have a strong sense of love and connection to other people, these are people who BELIEVE they are worthy of love and belonging, that’s they believe they are worthy.

 While on the other hand, anxious people are people who have the FEAR that they are not worthy of connection, they don’t feel that sens of worthiness. And this is the main reason behind anxiety and behind WHY people with anxiety tend to be alone with themselves all the time.

So to overcome your anxiety you have to believe that you are worthy of connection, love and belonging to a certain group of people.

here are some articles that may help you believe that you are worthy of connection:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to overcome shyness

All what I am about to share with you you in this article revolves around one core idea that says YOU ARE NOT SHY.

As we said before that you are the imagination of yourself, all what you have and all what you are is the imagination you imagined yourself some day.

Now, concerning how to overcome shyness you have to keep in mind that no one was born shy, neither me nor you. It’s a trait that we aquired under certain sircumstances that occured in our lives that lead us to begin to hide from other people, because as kids we thought that this is the good way to deal with that situation.

Now the question we should ask ourselves is why peole say that we’re good kids when we don’t disturb them, because or even if we’re shy ? And why, when we express ourselves freely and do what we want, people say that we should be ashamed of what we did ? Why ? 

Have you ever done something and heard something like “ why did you do that ! Shameless. If yes, I want to tell you that you are not the only one who has experienced such situation as this. So here I am going to share with you the three steps system of how to overcome shyness. 

Step 1: Know your WHY.

In this first step I want you to take a piece of paper and write the following questions, then try to answer them, ok.

So the questions are : why you are shy ? what makes you feel intimidated whenever you are around people ? why you are always trying to hide from people ? why you try to avoide eye contact with others at work, in the street or wherever you are ?

I want you to write all the reasons that come up in your mind when you ask yourself these questions. All the reasons, no matter how trivial, meaningless or stupid they are. Just write them down. Be honest with yourself as Paulo Coelho says "if you want to be successful respect one rule never lie to yourself".

Now after that that you have your list of reasons, I want you to think about them. Are they real reasons or they are just a bunch of excuses and alibis that you use to lie to yourself. 

When you do this little exercise you’ll become more aware of what couses your emotional brain to trigger the emotions that make you feel shy.

Step 2: Develop a bigger WHY.

In this second step I want you to write a list of  at least ten reasons WHY it is time to change and not be shy anymore. These reasons are going to be your bigger WHY you have to overcome shyness, these reasons are going to be your fuel. 

You have to focus on these reasons and you have to remind yourself of them over a periode of time so that you can override your old counter-productives reasons that make you feel shy.

I recommend you to have that list as soon as possible you can. Have it and work on it to make it so big and so compelling.

Step 3 : Take ACTION.  


I know that you are already taking action but I believe that all what you do is based on your WHY. There is a reason behind everthing you do. Now if your actions are based on your older WHY, you are likely to behave the same way you did in the previous years, BUT if your new reasons began to override the oldest ones and to take their places, believe me, your behavior will begin to change as well.

One of the most amazing and mirculous states we can be in or experience is the state of awareness. So when you become aware of what’s going on in your head you’ll say“ ah ! this is one of the old reasons I used to believe about the old me, and I should change IMMEDIATELY, and at that moment the shif in your behavior will begin to atke place.

So your action is either based on your old WHY or your new compelling WHY. The choice is yours. 

Here are some facts that will give you a clear idea about what I shared with you.

Thomas Alva Edison invented the the electric light bulb because he had a big WHY, and I think you know his story.

 Apple is the world's second-largest information technology company. Why? Because they have a big WHY, as well, that keeps them creating new technology.

You too you have to have a big compelling WHY to overcome your shyness.
Yes, you CAN.

Read also How to overcome social anxiety


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Anxiety Attack Treatment

Again  talking about our main challenge which is how to deal with anxiety, and today we’re going to move a little deeper and we’re going to talk about the anxiety attack treatment and we’re mainly going to focus on how to treat anxiety attacks whenever they pop up in our lives. 

In our society whenever we see a dog that looks dangerous what do we do usually ? Do we run ? In your opinion, do you think that we should runaway ? I think this won’t be a wise solution.

When you runaway, you think that you did the best thing, but unfortunately you made the worst thing that you should not do. Because by doing so the dog will chase you just because you are running. You become traped in what you were afraid of.

I think that the best solution to keep the dog away from you is to PRETEND that nothing is happening, pretend that there is no dog around you. From the inside you are scared to death but from the outside you are calm, relaxed and smiling. From the inside of you, you are FEELING the fear and your heart is beating wildly, but you BEHAVE AS THOUGH nothing is happening. You are taking control of yourself, your feelings and behaviours.

Now, what if I tell you that you can use these simple techniques to deal with your anxiety attack. And here is your exercise, don’t worry it is as simple as drinking a glass of water. But to remind you that what’s easy to do is easy NOT to do. So the exercise is the following :

Use your imagination. Try to imagine a situation where you had an anxiety attack, I want you to be still for a moment and I want you to feel your anxiety. I want you to feel the feeling that you had that moment and I want you to observe it. I want you to ask yourself what causes this feeling to be triggered ? because if you can contrĂ´le the cause you can control the outcome.  

After doing that, I want you to imagine yourself as an opened window that lets the air come in with no problems. In other words, I want you NOT to keep those fellings of anxiety, fear, resentment or whatsoever in your chest ANYMORE, I want you let go of them.
Sipmly let go of them because they won’t serve you, what’s going to serve you is the inner peace that you are going to give space to enter your heart when you let go of those useless feelings.

To make this little exercise more effecient I want you to practice it often, and believe me if you DO IT  and if you start to let go of those feeling that trigger the anxiety attack. You will start to feel a sens of inner strength and greatness within.

When you start to feel that, all I can say to you is CONGRATULATIONS ! You are on the road of recovery, because ALL THE POWER LIES WITHIN, and if you search outside you won’t find it.  

So to make the idea that I just shared with you become more clear in your  mind here is a quote that I want you to think of for a moment, ok.  

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. Frank Herbert, Dune 

Just free yourself from the feelings that trigger the anxiety attacks and don't resist them because what you resist will persist.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How to deal with anxiety. Part2

As we said earlier in the first part that we have, as humans, something that no animal has which is imagination, and what imagination allows you to do, it allows to see it before you actually have it or live it.

So here are the other two steps of the three steps system for how to deal with anxiety. And as I told you this  system will help you save more time than before if you are willing to do the exercises I am about to share with you.


What I want you to share with you here is that you are going to use your imagination to decieve your mind. For your mind can’t distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary. And  all the changes you are going to make, while you imagine certain situation, may look weird or your mind won’t accept them at first, but you have to believe that this is the change you want, that will help you overcome any situation that may make you feel anxious. 

So keep imagining and keep making the changes you want, keep decieving your mind, untill it accepts them as a reality. 

For instance, if you are anxious just tell yourself I am excited. At first it’s going to be weird and difficult to do it, but if you are persistent enough to do it many times, your mind will eventually accept it as a reality. And the change you desire will slyly begin to take it’s place.

Step 3 ACTION.

After integrating your pattern of thinking about how you will feel and behave whenever you encounter a situation that makes you feel anxious, I want you to go out and meet people and try to see if you really succeeded at decieving your mind.

  You are not  going to lose anything if you try and things didn’t work out for you in the first time. But don’t give up. Try again, and again and again, untill you make it. Just go and meet people. And as we said in a previous article that no idea works untill you take action. And life becomes worthwhile if you TRY.

Here is a trick that I will share with you, that you can use to see that we can decieve our minds. This trick is going to take you two minutes and it will dramatically change how you feel. Are you ready.

Before you go out to meet people, I want you to rise your hands in the air , as a sign of victory or YES I made it, for two minutes.

 Believe me after that you will begin to smile and everthing inside you will begin to change. And now you’re ready to meet people, so go and bring yourself victory. Because you are that powerfull.

I know that these steps are easy and so simple but I want to remind you of something: WHAT'S EASY TO DO, IS EASY NOT TO DO.

And remember


Monday, May 19, 2014

How to deal with anxiety. Part1

Concerning how to deal with anxiety no matter what it is, and as we said that in previous articles, we need first to look at it as a puzzle. I mean that there is no one way or one solution on how to overcome social anxiety or any other anxiety but there are plenty of solutions for that.

Most people who have anxiety, of any type, are obssessively thinking about how to overcome anxiety, and they also have a great deal of information and ideas about how to overcome social anxiety. The good news is that they know how to overcome anxiety as well as you do.

I want to tell you that I don’t care how much you know, I am sorry, but I care more about what you DO with what you know. Because knowledge is not power, it’s rather APPLYING knowledge, that’s what I call POWER.

As I told you earlier that dealing with anxiety is a puzzle that you have to complete it yourself, and today I am going to share with you what I call the 3 steps system for how to deal with anxiety. This  system will help you save more time than before if you do the exercises I am about to share with you.


Do you know that we, humans, have the ability to decieve our minds. In other words, we can talk to ourselves in the way we want so as to achieve something we want.
In this first step I want you to take from ten to fifteen minutes to imagine yourself in a situation that drives you anxious. I want you to examine how you feel at that moment,  and I want you to see how you move your body at that moment as well.

Now I want you to ask yourself this question. How do I want to be when I am with people ? Do I want to be anxious or to be in a position of power, enthusiasm and confidence ?

Ok, if your answer is YES, I want to become confident. Then your exercise is the following.

  I want you to go back to your imagination, your movie, and make the changes you want to have whenever you are around people or in any situation that looks like the one you had in your mind. And it’s going to take you less than ten minutes. It’s not going to take you the whole day to do it. If you CHOSE to do it, it will work for you.

in the next article I will give the other two steps. they are as easy as this one.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Overcoming Social Anxiety. Part 8

As we said in the previous article that changing the story  that we tell ourselves will automatically change how we look at ourselves,  so we begin to look at ourselves and who we really are from a completely deferent perspective. And now, since we know how to overcome social anxiety, we need the change missing ingredient. 

The main role of this ingredient is to help us bridge between what we intend to do and taking the necessary action to make that happen. To make what we truely want becomes a reality. So the change missing ingredient is :   

N°8 Develop courage.

All around the world there are millions of people that neither you nor I know. These people are great, more knowledgeable and more sofisticated. But the question is why we don’t see those peolpe on TV shows ? Why media doesn’t talk about them ? Why we don’t know them ?

 These people even if they are great at what they do, even if they have more knowledge than those who are on TV shows, and even if they are more sofisticated than those who are famous, they need the missing ingredient that will take them from the level of the not known to the level of the well known. You know what they lack, They lack COURAGE.

There are many people who have great dreams that would make them make a deffirence in this world but because they didn’t have enough courage they died with their dreams in their minds.

There are also others that it took them several years to first find out why things didn’t work out for them. And once they knew it, it took them another several years to develop that skill to help them break through and live the life they dreamed about. And eventually they made it because they didn't give up easily.

Ovrcoming social anxiety needs COURAGE in the first place. Because if you are courageous you can develop the competence  to overcome almost any challenge in your life, however,  if you are competent and knowledgeable but you don’t have courage you will never succeed.

Why people most of the time say that they are not confident or they don’t have enough confidence to do something. And the same applies to you. The problem is not that you are unconfident, the REAL problem is that you only don’t have enough courage to step out and accomplish the things you would like to accomplish before , I am sorry, you DIE.

Confidence is simply the courage needed to accomplish a given task or to overcome certain obstacles in your life. So if you work hard to develop your courage, your confidence will evolve. Because your confidence is litterally a true reflection of your inner courage.  

To overcome social anxiety you need COURAGE. It’s only courge that will turn you around. COURAGE will make of you who you want to be IF you develop it.

The process of overcoming social anxiety will take you a life time, and you’ll do nothing, if you don’t have the courage. For all those who couldn’t overcome social anxiety, they didn’t know that they need courage and they didn’t even try to find out what would help them to overcome it. They didn’t know the missing piece of the puzzle. 

Courage, boldness or guts that’s the cure to social anxiety. For it takes a lot of guts to make change.